11.03.2010 // News // ddukes
Dear Joy Bundlers,
Let’s keep this brief and to the point so that I can go back to hugging and feeding my new son. Yes, that’s right, my wife and I adopted a perfect little human being three weeks ago, and we’re extraordinarily happy and sleep deprived).
I’m playing two very exciting shows this weekend in Savannah: one loud, the other soft. So pick your decibel level and your bedtime and come on out for what will be my last show for many a month (while I learn how to raise a little boy and finish recording the new record).
10.03.2010 // Blog // ddukes
Suny Lyons drove all the way to Savannah to record special things and people–things and people who don’t travel to Athens very well. Like Susan Falls (my favorite cultural anthropologist and, as it happens, my wife) and her grandma’s piano.

09.22.2010 // Blog // ddukes
We played and played and ate casserole and homemade pie with Jim White. We wish you’d been there with us.

09.01.2010 // News // ddukes
Dear Revelators and Tolerators,
Happy day to all faithful and secular celebrants near, far, and in between. And may all book-burners, holy or otherwise, find themselves doused with cool and refreshing water. Here’s hoping we all find our particular gods in squirt guns, garden hoses, and Dixie Riddle Cups.
08.01.2010 // News // ddukes
Dear Dog Dayers,
There are many, many reasons to venture below the Mason-Dixon line. Biscuits, hospitality, burning bushes, front porches, meandering and eccentric conversationalists, and haunted junkyards come to mind. August? August is not one of them. If you are north or west, we advise you to remain north or west until the heat and hurricanes move on.
Despite the meteorological challenges, Dare Dukes + the Blackstock Collection have a handful of items that are particularly worthy of report. We encourage you to read carefully all the way to the bottom and receive your End-of-Email Bonus Prize.
07.01.2010 // News // ddukes
It’s that time of year in Savannah when the weather is Biblical: humidity you can eat with a fork, afternoon thunderstorms that threaten to relocate your house. For reasons of survival, we do what the cicadas tell us to do—walk slowly, nap.
Savannanians, we’ve got a show this Friday, July 23, at the Sentient Bean. A couple of stellar acts from Atlanta will be joining, Dave Daniels and the band Lille. So come on out and hear what you’ve been missing. I’ll be continuing to polish the ultra-new material before we go into the studio in two weeks!
06.01.2010 // News // ddukes
Catfish eaters and speakers-in-tongue,
As always, hang in there through the whole email and get an end-of-email prize.
Super Duper Point of This Email: I’m giddy. Why? This Saturday in Athens, Georgia, I’m sharing the stage with alt-country super nerd and spiritual fried-fish-eater Jim White. If you don’t know his music (shame on you), he falls somewhere between Studs Terkel, Tom Waits, and Kurt Weill. If you live within 400 miles of Athens, I suggest you make the drive. And while you’re there, pinch me. (more…)
05.20.2010 // Press // ddukes
“Best of Savannah 2010—Acoustic Band.
‘Idiosyncratic’ best describes this California-born singer-songwriter, who divides his time between Savannah (his wife is here) and New York City (he has a job there). Dukes has an unparalleled melodic sense, a gift for heart-wrenching lyrics, and the ability to weave them together around quirky, unusual pop-folk arrangements that literally don’t sound like anybody else.”
—Connect Savannah, May 18, 2010