01.18.2012 // Press // ddukes
Surviving the Golden Age has a review up for Thugs and China Dolls, and, um, well, they kind of gush about it.
“[Folk has] grown up, it’s sophisticated, and nothing defines the medium better than Dare Dukes’ Thugs and China Dolls.”
01.17.2012 // Press // ddukes
Smart music blog Listen, Damnit reviewed Thugs and China Dolls today and said some very, very nice things. Extra points for the use of “adenoidal”!
…”a baroque-folk album built around acoustic instruments: banjo, mandolin, strings, horns, accordion and rich, beautiful vocal harmonies. Dukes sings in a distinctive voice at once tuneful and adenoidal, and his lyrics are smart and vivid.
With twin horn lines, a stop-start rhythm and male-female vocal interplay on the chorus, free song “Meet You At the Bus” feels like a gentler answer to the Replacements “Kiss Me On the Bus,” but don’t mistake gentle for naive: Dukes is as savvy as he is empathic.”
01.17.2012 // Blog, Press // ddukes
One of our favorite music and lit blogs, Largehearted Boy, has mentioned us again! This time for their weekly feature on new music, “Try It Before You Buy It.”
01.17.2012 // Press // ddukes
So nice to be associated with these stellar artists (hint, hint: Guided by Voices).
01.17.2012 // News // ddukes
True Believers,
What do you know, it finally happened: Thugs and China Dolls has left the building. It is in stores today, right now. If you don’t already have a copy, perhaps now would be a good time to purchase one, be it in digital or plastic form.
If you are one of those spectacularly insightful people who supported the Kickstarter campaign, you should’ve gotten your stuff a few days ago (unless you still haven’t given us your address—in which case, for godsakes, hand it over). We hope the postman got it to you intact. May it make your ears tingle.
If you are in Savannah, GA, please come to one of the two record release parties: Thursday, January 19 (all ages at the Sentient Bean) or Friday, January 20 (21+ at the Jinx). Or, hell, come to both of them. We’re not messin’ around for these shows: we’ve got a six-piece band playing all kinds of doodads and noise-makers. And there are free download cards of the entire dang record for early entries.
If you live in another city, please check our tour dates below for a venue near you. (more…)
01.17.2012 // Press // ddukes
Connect Savannah (Savannah’s arts weekly) has run a very nice interview and preview of Thugs and China Dolls:
“[Thugs and China Dolls is] a finely–etched work of indie–folk, full of charming melodies, sharp lyrics and delicate acoustic arrangements.”
12.13.2011 // Blog, News // ddukes
Words have been given, hands have been shaken, and I’m very excited to announce that I have joined the terrific group of lovelies at Mazarine Records in Athens, Georgia. Mazarine is Athens’ youngest and coolest record label—biased, me? Their artists include post-rock heroes pacificUV and much-adored indie folksters Hope for Agoldensummer. They’re reinventing the way record companies do business. And I’m thrilled that Thugs and China Dolls will be released by them!

11.29.2011 // News // ddukes
Jack Frosts,
“Ghosts of Christmas,” my very first Christmas single, is available today. It’s got two songs, a side A and a side B. I think it’s very nice, I do. The title track has just the right blend of “fa la las” and celophane to warm the hearts of both sentimentalists and grinches. (more…)